相关单词同義詞frustration, clawback, 近義詞 tragedy 悲劇, misadventure 不幸, disappointment 失望, hindrance 起妨礙作用的事物或人..., holdup 持槍搶劫, delay 耽擱, impediment 障礙, stumbling block 絆腳石, obstruction 障礙, obstacle 障礙, reversal 繙轉, black eye 發青的眼圈, reverse 逆轉, blow 打擊臨近詞Seth, set, setbacks, setback pin, setback line, setback ball, setback type, setback ring, setback force, setback theory, setback detent, setback sleeve相似詞set/put sb's mind at rest/ease idiom, set/put the record straight idiom, set/put the seal on sth idiom, set/put your mind to sth idiom, setlist, sett, settee, setter, 返回 setback