- advance the clock 把钟调快
- beat the clock 提前完成任务
- fight the clock 抢时间
- head a clock 把钟调快
- hold the clock 弄清时间
- kill the clock 拖时间
- put back the clock 把钟调慢
- race the clock 争分夺秒
- regulate a clock 校钟
- run out the clock 故意拖延时间来阻止对方得分
- set back the clock 开倒车
- set the clock 调准时钟
- turn back the clock 把钟调慢
- watch a clock 看钟等待
- wind a clock 给钟上发条
- atomic clock 原子钟
- biological clock 人体生物钟
- crystal clock 晶体钟
- digital clock 数字钟
- electric clock 电钟
- electronic clock 电子钟
- grandfather 's clock 有摆的落地大座钟
- musical clock 八音钟
- pendulum clock 有摆的钟
- programme clock 程序钟
- time clock 计时钟
- tower clock 屋顶钟,楼钟
- alarm clock 闹钟
- against the clock 争分夺秒
- like clock 像钟表似的
- work round the clock 夜以继日