- A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control.
“性短信”带来的社会危害之一是短信内容可以被轻易地广泛传播,而始发送者对此却束手无策。 - A Brand new Music Video from"You know you want to SEXT me!"
选择想要查看哪个国家/地区的内容 (视频和频道)。这不会更改网站的语言。 - sexting: (a portmanteau of sex and texting) is the act of sending sexually explicit photos or text messages electronically, primarily between cell phones.
发送包含色情照片或文字内容的短信。 - sext
n. [宗]第六时祷告(七个规定祈祷时间的第四个);为这种祈祷所设的时间 - omn. sext hor
(=omni sextante horae) (拉)每十分钟 返回 sexting