- crash overhead 头顶上隆隆响
- crash disastrously 惨败
- crash heavily 重重地撞在一起
- crash hollowly 沉重地撞击
- crash incessantly 连续地碰撞
- crash ominously 可怕地坠毁
- crash sickeningly 厌恶地碰撞
- crash thunderously 激烈地碰撞
- crash about 呱嗒呱嗒地走来走去
- crash around 闯来闯去
- crash down (树)哗啦一声倒下
- crash out 坠毁
- crash up against a tree 砰地一声撞到树上
- crash a bowl against the wall 把碗向墙上猛掷而碎
- crash in flames 起火坠毁
- crash into 撞在…上
- crash into a pole 撞在灯柱子上
- crash into a tree 撞在树上
- crash car into the wall 把汽车猛撞在墙上
- crash on the morning air 响彻晨空
- crash through 穿过
- crash through the barrier 撞在障碍物上
- crash one 's way through bush 闯过灌木丛
- crash to the floor 掉在地上
- crash to the ground (墙)轰地一声坍下来
- crash to pieces 撞得粉碎
- crash sth with one 's teeth 用牙将某物咬碎
- bank crash 银行破产
- car crash 汽车事故
- in the crash 在事故中
- a terrific crash of thunder 一声巨雷