相关单词近义词 guess 推测, suppose 假设, speculate 推测, speculation 推测, assume 假定, supposition 假设, estimate 估价, surmise 推测, imagine 想像, infer 推断, assumption 假定, estimation 判断, guesswork 臆测, inference 推理, thesis 毕业论文, prediction 预言, thinking 思考, conception 概念, conceive 设想, conclusion 结尾, suspicion 猜疑, hypothesise 假设, hypothecate 假定, hypothesis 假说, surmisal 猜测, hypothesize 假设, theorise 建立理论, theorize 推理临近词conjugal, conifer, conjecture face, conjecture method, conjecture experiment, Conjecture instrument, Conjecture tuns strategy, conjecture - refutation, conjecture and refutation, conjectures and refutations, conjecture at another's mind, conjectured supply functions 返回 conjecturing